
Co-op Advertising and Budget Management
Do you require proof of performance – online or manual claim submission?
We offer traditional claim processing, verify guideline requirements are met, audit media values, check for duplicates and process payments. Our pre-approval system tracks retailer financial commitments, approval chain hierarchy, creative approvals and calculates financial exposure.
Co-Op Administration
- Real-Time Budget Reporting
- Online or Manual Claim Processing
- Online Planning/Approval System
- Hierarchy Based Logins
- Insights and Accurate Balances
- Speed, Accuracy (No Duplicates)
- Commitments to Goals Documented
- Security, Single Sign-On

Trade Promotion Planning (TPP)
Do you need a commitment system that manages planning and spending for all channels of trade?
We have a SaaS based system that allows clients the flexibility to process and track all of their trade spending allowances in one system. This sophisticated workflow system allows Sales, Marketing, Accounting, Finance and Management to view their own relevant data (for all plans and tactics) with a simple report query tool. All data can be structured and integrated as a ‘bolt-on’ with your ERP system.
Account Specific Planning System
- Partially Close Activities
- Easy Interface with Existing ERP
- Data Consolidation for All Channels of Trade
- Reporting with Advanced Search
- No Financial Surprises
- Save Time Clearing Legitimate Deductions
- Electronically Document Approvals
- Central Database to Use with Retail Auditors

True Value
Would you like to generate a savings of 15% to 40% of your Trade Budget?
Our online valuation system calculates the fair market value for a variety of media that can be used for sales planning, retail negotiation or financial reconciliation. This unique and proprietary solution can help you comply with Sarbanes Oxley and not put undue stress on your retailers or sales reps to gather excessive documentation and proof of performance.
True Value
- Negotiate Value of Advertising with Key Accounts
- Online Pre-Audit System
- Access Media and Production Costs
- Accurately Classify Revenue and Expense
- Savings of 15% – 40%
- Sales Can Plan Costs Accurately
- Estimated Costs±5%
- Sarbanes Oxley Compliance

Ad Builder
Do you want to control your brand at the local retail level and use customizable templates for a variety of media?
Take control of your brand image with corporate approved, customizable templates. Our system also has downloadable mailing lists for direct mail or email blasts to drive traffic to stores.
Ad Builder
- Ad Templates Allow Local Versioning
- Media Varies by Location
- Offer All Relevant Media
- Process Automation
- Assures Local Buy-In Across Media Types
- Relevant Local Advertising, Geo-Targeting
- One Stop Shopping (Ads, DM, POS, Premiums)
- Reduce Agency Costs

Digital Asset Manager
Do you have easy access to Corporate Image Assets to be used by your Trade Channel?
Digital Asset Management is a system for managing images. The eDAM features a simple administrative interface for loading and tagging image assets. The eDAM is easy to integrate with new and existing systems.
Digital Asset Manager
- Allows Access Control, Easy Administration
- Navigation via image categories
- Simple Integration into Ad Builder
- Thumbnail view of image with zoom feature
- Image view is user driven
- Find images via key word search
- Client can upload their images
- Easy for User to view images

Fulfillment Webstore
Are you a sales manager interested in a “unique” way to incentivize?
Robust webstore can accommodate a variety of items including: Point of Sale, Product Literature, Promotional Merchandise, Product Samples, Customizable Apparel, Warranty Registration, etc. A single checkout can be integrated with co-op funding, use of credit cards or “Bill Me” option. Punch-out to vendors is simple with a separate vendor portal. Fulfillment reporting puts you in charge to easily monitor vendor SLA’s.
Fulfillment Webstore
- Manages Multiple Vendors Performance
- Automatically Download Orders
- Real-Time Inventory and Shipment Tracking
- Vendor Portal Allows Performance Transparency
- Measure Vendor KPI’s
- Timely Order Delivery
- Order Status Improves Customer Satisfaction
- Vendors Manage to your SLA’s

Are you interested in an innovative new way to motivate sales people, focus their sales efforts on specific products or services and/or ensure that your brand message is delivered to the customer in the last 3 feet of the sale?
Gamivation can help you reach your sales and training objectives. If you have a complex or high value product and trackable sales, or are selling through and independent third party network to reach customers, Gamivation can deliver measurable results.
- Gamified Sales Motivation
- Target Product Selling and Education
- Intrinsic and Extrinsic Rewards
- Program Evaluation
- Increased Sales and Engagement
- Focuses Training Where It’s most Needed
- Incentives That Change Behaviors
- Measure Results at All Levels

Custom Applications
Do you have a need we have not addressed?
All businesses have unique requirements. We use our building block approach, with our current applications, to create new solutions for our clients. Our staff of developers can tackle the most challenging projects and deliver on time, to your satisfaction, for your unique requirements.
- Combination of Internal/External Resources
- Fixed Price Quotes
- Single Source for Applications
- Base Systems have Evolved over Time
- We Deliver on Time
- You Know Your Budget, Unless Scope Changes
- We Take Full Responsibility
- Re-use of Code Saves Costs